Saturday, May 5, 2018

155% minimum wage increase

President Nicolas Maduro of Venezuela announced a 155% hike in the minimum wage on 4/30. Now US companies McDonald's and Wal-Mart are up-ing the argument for a minimum wage of $15 here in the US. 

The problem for a lot of people is that Venezuela has a good reason for this "gift"...their inflation is at 8900%, while the US (thankfully) is only at a 2.4%.

Another argument against the raises, is that McDonald's and Wal-Mart aren't welfare agencies, they are profit enterprises. So for the sake of their employees, they should just let this fight go..


  1. I think a minimum wage of $15 would be super nice, but also a little too high. I personally believe the minimum wage should just be around $9 for now. It would be a big jump to go from $7.25 to $15.

  2. I think that the minimum wage should be increased but I am not sure how much. It is very necessary that Venezuela raised theirs. I wonder if they will ever figure out their inflation problem.
